Friday the 13th

I have nothing that has ever happened to me that was weird on Friday the 13th. Me and my sister would always go to the store on Friday the 13th though and we would shop for snacks and drinks like pop and chips or popcorn. After we would go to the store we would go home get our room all dark and scary then we would watch the scary movies Friday the 13th. By the time we finished watching all the movies its normally really late so we would go to bed after and wouldn’t be able to fall asleep because we were so scared that something was going to happen to us while we were trying to sleep plus mine and my sisters beds were kind of really far from each other. After we cant fall asleep we put on some happy or funny movies that we enjoy and then go to bed with the TV on. The next morning my mom would ask why we stayed up so late because we were really tired then she would yell at up for watching scary movies before bed knowing we were young and would not be able to fall asleep after watching scary movies.

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